Saturday, June 12, 2010

Group C: England 1 : USA 1

First of all: Congrats USA! Second of all: Suck it England!

A game lasts 90 minutes and in the end the English goalkeeper makes a mistake. Yeah Linaker said something else, something about Germany always winning in the end. But if you think about it the reason why Germany wins so often in World Cups is because we don't have goaltenders that occupy that position simply because they always got picked last during pick-up in elementary school. I can't remember the last time England had a world class goalkeeper and today that lack was extremely visible as Green decided to make the game more interesting. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pitch Tim Howard was taking names and hiding the extra pair of testicles he keeps inside his gloves.

"Yes I'm American and I play soccer really well. I can't believe it either"

But let's not reduce this game to one goalkeeping error. There was also Steven Cherundolo (playing in the Bundesliga for Hannover 96 by the way. Just saying.), who just decided that he did not give a fuck how many girls had his direct opponents poster above their bad and just denied player after player the opportunity to be denied a goal by Tim Howard.

England played well at first but then stopped doing that leaving me terrified that with an Italian coach (who's suit fit much better than Maradona's incidentally) they might do what Italy did in 06. I.e. play boring and win the whole thing. They certainly have the talent to pull it off. Whenever, Wayne Rooney had the ball it left me terrified and rightfully so. The USA sometimes seemed suicidal when confronting him and I'm glad they didn't try to out-Rooney Rooney too much. I don't know why the US kept attacking with ten minutes left and 1:1. Maybe it has to do with the American mentality that wins are everything. But let me tell you dear friends: A win is not everything. A draw against England is just fine. Hell, it's what my home country (Germany) hopes to do if they meet them in the octo- or quarterfinals. Draw, so that we can then beat them in penalty kicks.

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